Hello , we’re continuing to make managing your OQ program easier and more
efficient. Let’s talk about all the exciting offerings for 2023.
Go Beyond OQ:What’s coming in 2023?
From expanded course offerings to updated
training content and software tools, we’re
continuing to make managing training and
compliance easier and more
New Courses in 2023!
We are thrilled to announce the addition
of 11 new courses in 2023. This course
list was created in collaboration with
OQSG Operators on the topics that are most
important to them. With the help of
Enterprise Products, Kinder Morgan, and
ASTAR we are off to a great start!
Let us know
if you would like to get involved.
The initial four courses on Plastic Pipe
will be available soon!
Join Plastic Pipe: Butt Heat
Join Plastic Pipe: Sidewall Heat
Join Plastic Pipe: Electrofusion
Join Plastic Pipe: Pipe Socket Heat
Perform NDT: Radiographic Testing
Perform NDT: Liquid Penetrant
Perform NDT: Magnetic Particle
Perform NDT: Ultrasonic Testing
Perform NDT: Magnetic Flux Leakage of
Breakout Tanks
We are constantly striving to create
more efficient processes for our
clients. Over the past few years, we’ve
been working closely with operator
customers to develop a new software
feature (Pinion Check) for OQSG Skills
Assessments. Evaluators can use Pinion
Check to conduct an OQSG Skills
Assessment on a mobile device or tablet,
making this process easier than ever. It
can also be used to conduct
company-specific audits or
inspections.Read more about Pinion Checkor contact us if your evaluators are
ready to get started.
What our Operators are
“OQSG has never failed to meet our
expectations and needs, and we are
very happy with its services and
OQSG Content Development Projects
Operators, please complete the OQSG
Content Development Projects Survey sent
in January. Your feedback will help us
set development priorities and identify
operators that would like to participate
in the development process.
OQSG Representatives participated in
the API OQWG Q1 Meeting, Feb. 7-9,
The group made progress with considering
new tasks for addition to RP 1161,
updating existing task criteria,
revising RP 1161 front matter, and
balloting Annex C. The next meeting will
take place in April 2023 in Washington,
OQ Program Effectiveness Review &
Covered Task Analysis:
Please contact us if you need assistance
with program updates. A program
effectiveness review can help identify
gaps relative to industry standards
before your next audit.
Click here to read more.
New customers and onboarding:
We welcomed one new operator, one new
reseller, and many new contractors since
the beginning of the year. The
Onboarding and tracking process has made
significant progress, and we are excited
about what 2023 has in store.
Single Sign-on (SSO) functionality
added to Pinion:
We are working on a single sign-on (SSO)
feature that will go into effect in Q2.
Adding single sign-on allows for a
seamless authentication experience for a
company’s employees.
OQSG is part of the Smith System
family of companies:
OQSG is proud to be affiliated with the
market leader in crash avoidance safety
training for fleet drivers. Through this
relationship, we offer behind-the-wheel
driver training and eLearning courses in
various driver and workplace safety
training topics. Many of the eLearning
courses are already available through
Pinion LMS! Click to read more about
OQSG Affiliates
Courses available through Pinion
Share your Feedback
We are grateful to receive feedback about
our services from our valued clients.
Please take a few minutes to complete our
Customer Satisfaction Survey
to let us know how we’re doing. You can
also contact us directly at
or 337.769.9608.
Smith System Pinion LLC, PO Box 3348,
Lafayette, LA 70502, United States