Our Content Development Team is busy updating and building new courses to keep you compliant. Updates and new courses are initiated by industry changes, internal reviews, and customer feedback. Our Management of Change (MOC) Documentation is available in Pinion’s Company Files and includes specific information on the affected components and overall impact.
In CT60 we reworded assessment questions to lend more clarity to the questions’ topics.
Year to date:
CT01.3ACVG | Conduct AC Voltage Gradient Survey | Skills |
CT01.3DCVG | Conduct DC Voltage Gradient Survey | Skills |
CT05 | Electrically Inspect Bare Pipe | eLearning |
CT07 | Measure Wall Thickness of Pipe | eLearning |
CT09 | Monitoring for Internal Corrosion | eLearning |
CT11 | Inspect, Test, and Calibrate Overfill Protective Devices | eLearning |
CT1291 | Locate Underground Pipelines | Skills |
CT13 | Inspect Internal Pipe Surfaces | eLearning |
CT1301 | Install and Maintain Pipeline Markers | Skills |
CT14 | Application and Repair of External Coatings | eLearning |
CT15 | Place and Maintain Line Markers | Skills |
CT18 | Inspection of Breakout Tanks | eLearning |
CT19 | Provide Temporary Marking of Buried Pipeline Prior to Excavation | eLearning, Skills |
CT22 | Inspect Valves | eLearning, Skills |
CT24 | Inspect, Test, and Calibrate Relief Valves | eLearning |
CT26 | Inspect, Test, and Calibrate Pressure Limiting Devices | eLearning |
CT27 | Inspect, Test, and Calibrate Pressure Switches and Transmitters | eLearning |
CT32 | Abandoning, Safe Disconnect, Purging, and Sealing of Pipeline Facilities | eLearning |
CT34 | Inspection Activities for Tie-ins, Pipe Replacements, or Other Components Connecting to an Existing Pipeline | eLearning |
CT36.2 | Install Welded Tight Fitting Sleeves | eLearning |
CT36.7 | Perform Hot Tapping | eLearning |
CT36.8 | Install Pipeline Plugs | eLearning, Skills |
CT37 | Conduct Pressure Test | eLearning |
CT38 | Maintenance Welding on Pipelines | eLearning |
CT39 | Operations of a Pipeline System (Pipeline Facility) | eLearning |
CT48 | Purge a Pipeline | eLearning |
CT60 | General Abnormal Operating Conditons | eLearning |
CT65 | Damage Prevention During Excavation of In-Service Pipe by or on Behalf of an Operator | Skills |
OQ-EVAL | Evaluator Recertification | eLearning |
OQ-EVAL-Doc | Correctly Document Skills Assessment Forms | eLearning |
OQ-PROC | Proctor Training | eLearning |
NEW | ||
CT06.2 | Inspection of Coatings | eLearning |
CT06.3 | Perform Surface Preparation | eLearning |
CT06.4 | Perform Coating Application | eLearning |
CT01 | Conducting Annual Cathodic Protection Surveys | eLearning, Skills |
CT08 | Conducting Cathodic Protection Remediation | eLearning, Skills |
Management of Change Documentation is available in Pinion’s Company Files. Contact our Support Team at 337-769-9608 or support@oqsg.com if you need help accessing it.