Course Update – CT22

Our Content Development Team is busy updating and building new courses to keep you compliant. Updates and new courses are initiated by industry changes, internal reviews, and customer feedback. Our Management of Change (MOC) Documentation is available in Pinion’s Company Files and includes specific information on the affected components and overall impact.

The latest course to receive updates is CT22 – Inspect Valves. This covered task explains and evaluates how to safely inspect a valve’s overall external integrity, function test a valve, and recognize and react to potential abnormal operating conditions. CT22’s updates are available in Pinion LMS beginning November 30.

Year to Date:New
CT09.3Collecting a Sample of Pipeline ContentseLearning
CT0031Inspect And Monitor Galvanic Ground Beds AnodesSkills
CT01Conducting Annual Cathodic Protection SurveyseLearning, Skills
CT01.3ACCAConduct AC Current Attenuation SurveySkills
CT0271WDProve Flow Meters for Hazardous Liquid Leak Detection: Water DrawSkills
CT0291Inspect, Test, and Maintain Densitometers and GravitometerseLearning
CT03Inspect Cathodic Protection RectifierseLearning, Skills
CT06.4Perform Coating ApplicationSkills
CT08Conducting Cathodic Protection RemediationeLearning
CT12Internal Corrosion RemediationeLearning, Skills
CT22Inspect ValveseLearning, Skills
CT32Abandoning, Safe Disconnect, Purging, and Sealing of Pipeline FacilitieseLearning
CT36.7Perform Hot TappingSkills
CT36.9Install Completion PlugsSkills
CT38Maintenance Welding on PipelineseLearning
CT39Operations of a Pipeline SystemeLearning, Skills
CT39FField Operations of a Pipeline SystemeLearning
CT45Perform Leakage SurveyeLearning
CT48Purge a PipelineSkills
CT58Startup, Shutdown and Operation of an Engine Driven Gas Compressor UnitSkills
CT61Documentation, Reporting, & OQ RecordkeepingeLearning
OQ-EVALEvaluator RecertificationeLearning
OQ-EVAL DocCorrectly Document Skills Assessment FormseLearning
OQ-PROCProctor TrainingeLearning

Management of Change Documentation is available in Pinion’s Company Files.  Contact our Support Team at 337-769-9608 or for help accessing it.