Our Content Development Team is busy updating and building new courses to keep you compliant. Updates and new courses are initiated by industry changes, internal reviews, and customer feedback. Our Management of Change (MOC) Documentation is available in Pinion’s Company Files and includes specific information on the affected components and overall impact.
The most recently updated task, CT05 – Electrically Inspect Bare Pipe, focuses on inspection intervals, measuring soil resistivity and soil-to-soil potential, and describes potential abnormal operating conditions. The task’s performance evaluation assesses an individual’s capability to take resistivity measurements using the Four-Pin method, Soil Box method, and Resistivity Single-Probe method, perform a soil-to-soil potential survey, and also assesses their ability to recognize and react to abnormal operating conditions.
Year to Date:
- CT05 Electrically Inspect Bare Pipe E-Learning
- CT14 Application and Repair of External Coatings E-Learning
- OQ-PROC Proctor Training E-Learning
- OQ-EVAL Evaluator Recertification E-Learning
- OQ-EVAL-Doc Correctly Document Skills Assessment Forms E-Learning
- CT06.2 Inspection of Coatings E-Learning
- CT06.3 Perform Surface Preparation E-Learning
- CT06.4 Perform Coating Application E-Learning
- CT01 Measure Structure-to-Electrolyte Potential E-Learning, Skills
- CT08 Conducting Cathodic Protection Remediation E-Learning, Skills
- CT09 Monitoring for Internal Corrosion E-Learning
Management of Change Documentation is available in Pinion’s Company Files. Contact our Support Team at 337-769-9608 or [email protected] if you need help accessing it.